Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 3, 2008

Video: Dumb Bronco Tricks

Another low-effort post on my part. Snarky comment: maybe better to clean off windshield before ramming your way out of your parking space. Watch to the end for the money shot, radiator fluid bleeding out onto the garage floor.

Why You Should Always Defrost Your Windshield - Watch more free videos

Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 3, 2008

Video: Robot Big Dog

This is a video of the "Big Dog" robot project, from Boston Dynamics. This is very impressive, especially how they programmed the robot to have reflexes, so that if it thinks it is falling or slipping, it splays out the appropriate leg and catches itself. The buzzing noise is from a small gasoline engine that they are using to generate self contained hydraulic power.

Awesome Lifelike Robotic Dog - Watch more free videos

Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 3, 2008

Volvo Wagon VS Renault Sub-Compact

Amazing video clip from 5th Gear. In a brutal 40mph (80mph closing speed) offset frontal crash, a newer Renault sub-compact just mauls an old Volvo wagon. Not the result I expected. This shows that maybe mass isn't everything, maybe it is better to buy a newer car with more modern design than an old "tank"!

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